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2,500 Opportunities to Share the Good News of Jesus Christ

Hear how Chaplain John is making a difference in the lives of incarcerated children.

“Jay” has been incarcerated at Metro RYDC for 14 months; Chaplain John has been mentoring him since he first arrived. Jay’s mom has been ill recently, suffering from congestive heart failure despite her young age. Jay had been worried about her and shared this worry with Chaplain John, saying “she was his only stabilizing influence.” She had visited Jay recently and Chaplain John spoke with her and her son. John says that Jay’s mom was bright, smiling, and energetic.

Less than 24 hours after Chaplain John spoke with her, Jay’s mom passed away. Chaplain John was a part of the team pulled in by Metro’s staff to break the news to Jay. Jay’s other family members were there, including his estranged father. In the midst of heartbreak and insurmountable grief, Jay told Chaplain John that wanted to talk more about fixing his broken relationship with his father.

Chaplain John spoke with Jay many hours over the next few days. Jay needed a pastor to navigate these days, and thanks to our ministry, we were able to provide him with one, Chaplain John. Jay’s family reached out to Chaplain John about helping with his mother’s memorial service; Chaplain John ended up being the officiant. Metro RYDC and Jay’s judge worked together to allow Jay to attend his mother’s funeral in-person.

Recounting the time he’s spent with Jay since his mother’s passing, Chaplain John remarked, “Church happens in odd places, but church never happens if we don’t show up.” That’s what we, at HeartBound Ministries, do best - we show up. Each week, we pray that God goes ahead of us to each and every facility. In the past seven days, our staff ministered to the incarcerated residents of Metro Regional Youth Detention Center, Rutledge State Prison, Metro Transitional Center, Burruss Correctional Training Center, Atlanta Transitional Center, and Walker State Prison. Collectively, those facilities house over 2,500 inmates - that’s 2,500 opportunities for us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for giving to help us minister to young men like Jay.

With gratitude,

Grace Hall

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